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Eldee Cassis Liqueur

Liqueur from France
18.0% ABV
Item # 350596

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Producer notes: Eldee is a new trendy , retro-positioned liqueur, with a wonderful and fruity taste that works well as a key ingredient in many of today’s top selling cocktails. Its lightness allows for an easy mix-ability with an array of sparkling wine or champagnes. The tall and unique bottle with a swing - top closure ensures the highest shelf visibility. A great success and extremely desired flavor with low sugar content in its class .
Producer notes: Eldee is a new trendy , retro-positioned liqueur, with a wonderful and fruity taste that works well as a key ingredient in many of today’s top selling cocktails. Its lightness allows for an easy mix-ability with an array of sparkling wine or champagnes. The tall and unique bottle with a swing - top closure ensures the highest shelf visibility. A great success and extremely desired flavor with low sugar content in its class .
Product SKU 350596
Producer Eldee
Country France
Size 750ml
Color Other
ABV 18.0%
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