
Return policy


WHWC is committed to ensuring our customers' satisfaction with our products and service. If we made an error by sending you an incorrect wine, or if you received a corked or otherwise flawed wine, please call us immediately at 1-800-678-9463 or contact us, providing your order number and explaining the reasons for your dissatisfaction. We will review the specific circumstances on an individual basis, and make a determination in a timely manner of whether the return request meets acceptable criteria. Should we accept responsibility for the error or flaw, we will either exchange the bottle(s) or issue a refund for the applicable amount. We do not accept returns after 30 days.


California law prohibits the return of alcohol, except for defective wines & spirits, which may be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase and with receipt. Vintages older than 3 years may not be returned.


Neither we nor the shipping companies we contract on your behalf to deliver your wine insure against weather-related damage that may occur in transit, and we do not accept returns due to such possible damage that may arise after your wine has safely left our store. See our Weather Advisory for more detail.